Wine Cellar Consulting

$375.00 Sale

Any aspect of building a wine cellar can be accomplished by a person who is reasonably skilled in construction and woodworking. The only thing preventing them from building a wine cellar that isn't a hazard to the wine or the building's structure is just a few pieces of crucial information. Nobody wants to invest all the resources needed to build a wine cellar, put tens of thousands of dollars worth of wine in it, then find out they made a mistake that will ruin the wine or the person's home. Spending an hour or so with a wine cellar expert prior to building a wine cellar can save a LOT of heartache.

More than half of the cellars I've seen we've seen are NOT built correctly. Easily more than half. The two most common problems are improper vapor barrier and cooling system implementations. The first will cause mold and ruin your house, the second will ruin your wine.

We offer consulting to both homeowners and contractors. It is well worth your time and money to consult with us about any wine cellar project. You do NOT need to hire us for any other portion of the cellar. We're happy to act solely in a consulting position. Most cellars require only one hour of consulting and it saves a LOT of headache, heartache, and money.

To set up an appointment please call us a 612-501-2193, or send an email to .

Both Consulting and Troubleshooting can be done in person or via Skype nationwide and worldwide.

Please note: When consulting or troubleshooting we get straight down to the business at hand. We do NOT waste consulting time selling you on our services. We are accustomed to working with busy intelligent people (mostly wine lovers and professional contractors) who want to zero-in on the key pieces of information needed. Usually we answer all questions in less than an hour with time left for you to ask followup questions at a later date while still using the time leftover from your first paid hour.

Price listed is for one hour of consulting time.

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